Monday, December 29, 2008

Our class teacher!! Pn. Rosila!!!
Name : Pn.Rosila ( married!!)
Job : To prevent all the teachers not to complain about our class and sometimes we do really
pissedher off.!! Teache us history and make sure all of us will pass for our end year
exam ( too bad that not everyone passes their history..* including me.Ability : scold us and
can able to make us shut our mouth for the whole two period. She really do break the
record. weird stuff : She likes to tease thoese people that are dating and likes to say jokes.
But everytime she likes to "buli" ppl. etc. she use her wooden ruler and hit on my seni
project egg. Will be taking over our class next year too!! hurray!! but not good for her.

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